9 health benefits of fish oil supplements

9 health benefits of fish oil supplements

Sometimes, people cannot get adequate nutrition from their food, and healthcare experts may recommend supplements to address the body’s nutritional requirements. One commonly recommended supplement to address some such requirements is fish oil. The supplement is rich in omega-3s and has many benefits that can improve one’s overall well-being. These supplements are also ideal for those who do not eat fish but still require its nutritional value. Here are nine benefits of fish oil supplements.

Supports heart health
Experts indicate that people who eat fish on a regular basis could benefit from a lower risk of heart disease. Additionally, fish oil supplements may help reduce risk factors for heart disease, such as lowered cholesterol, reduced blood pressure, and lower triglycerides. Taking the supplement may also help prevent plaque formation that may otherwise harden the arteries.

Benefits the symptoms of certain mental health conditions
The brain’s weight without fluids contains about 20% of polyunsaturated acids, including omega-3. Experts conclude that omega-3s are necessary to complement regular brain function. Other research suggests that people with mental health conditions have lower omega-3 levels in their blood. Therefore, taking fish oil supplements could help improve these levels and help one manage, prevent, or improve the symptoms of various mental health conditions. A few areas where the supplementation may work are in people with dementia and age-related cognitive decline. However, one will need to speak to a healthcare expert about the exact benefits of fish oil supplements.

Improves bone health
Calcium and vitamin D is required to maintain good bone health. However, several people may lack the nutrients due to an imbalanced food regime and poor lifestyle habits. As a result, one may grow up with weaker bones that could break with any sort of impact. As an alternative solution, healthcare professionals may suggest having fish oil supplements daily. Studies show that in addition to calcium and vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids could aid bone health. Omega-3 also helps prevent bone decay and improves bone mineral density (BMD).

Betters eye health
The lack of omega-3s in the body could put one at a greater risk of eye diseases. One should also note that eye health starts to deteriorate as one ages, which could lead to age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Experts indicate that since fish oil can enhance omega-3 levels, its supplements can help lower the risk of AMD. Moreover, fish oil supplements are recommended for people with dry eyes, as they can help reduce its occurrence.

Can help reduce inflammation
People who experience a gain in BMI or experience stress might find themselves at risk of inflammatory conditions. Here’s where a healthcare professional may help recommend taking fish oil supplements for its anti-inflammatory properties. Taking the supplements could help bring down pain in the joints and also manage stiffness. An expert may also recommend taking fish oil supplements to manage rheumatoid arthritis, which typically triggers pain in the joints.

Helps with healthier skin
The skin can benefit from one having healthy levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Someone with low amounts of omega-3 can develop dry or rough patches of skin, and taking fish oil supplements can help remedy the same. In addition to addressing dry and rough patches of skin, those who have omega-3 supplements could also benefit from enhanced healing of the skin, especially in people with ulcers or other wounds. Experts suggest that taking fish oil supplements could improve the body’s internal defense mechanism against UV rays because of its anti-inflammatory composition.

Support for pregnancy and early life
The omega-3 fatty acid content in fish oil supplements is necessary for early growth of the fetus, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy and later. Taking supplements during pregnancy or nursing may play an important role in the child’s cognitive development. It could contribute towards better visual development in infants and curb the risk of allergies. One should always check with a healthcare professional about how many supplements they should take each day to avoid any side effects.

Lowered liver fat
The research for whether fish oil supplements could influence liver fat is still ongoing. The liver is responsible for processing most of the fat in the body and may also play a role in one’s body mass index. So consequently, poor liver health could result in complications and inflammation. Therefore, experts may recommend the consumption of fish oil supplements to manage these complications in the organ, which could subsequently reduce the symptoms of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and the amount of fat in the liver.

Better attention span in children
Children can be affected by neurodevelopmental conditions, such as attention hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Symptoms of this complication may include a lack of attention and hyperactivity. One of the most common management methods for the neurological condition is taking fish oil supplements. Experts indicate the contents of the capsule, such as omega-3 fatty acids, could help improve ADHD. The property may play a role in the elasticity of cell membranes and the formation of myelin, which is a protective layer around neurons. As a result, the omega-3s may influence the transmission of signals in the brain, which could help improve the attention span in children.

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