Weighing the pros and cons of house sitting

Weighing the pros and cons of house sitting

When a house is vacant for long periods, homeowners naturally begin looking for rental options. However, if one is going away only for a short period of time, house sitting is the best option. Currently, there are over 4,500 house sitters employed nationwide, and this approach benefits both homeowners and house sitters. So, who are house sitters, and what are the pros and cons of house sitting? Let’s take a close look:

Who are house sitters?
House sitters are individuals paid to move into one’s property during the homeowner’s absence and care for it, probably taking care of the home garden, and pets. Essentially, homeowners and house sitters sign an agreement wherein the house sitter undertakes to stay at the empty house for a specific number of days and take responsibility for the home. The amount to be paid to the house sitter for this service is also mentioned in the agreement.

Pros of house sitting
As a house sitter, here are some advantages of providing their services:

No accommodation costs incurred
One of the biggest perks of house sitting is that one doesn’t have to pay for accommodation in a new city or town. So, if one has to travel to a new city for a short while, s/he can offer house sitting services at homes in this city and earn some extra dollars while staying in an accommodation for free and not having to pay any rent.

Homely comfort
There’s nothing more satisfying than living in a home away from home, and even though the houses that one briefly occupies are vacant, they are still actual homes. So, they offer a simple yet comfortable space to return to at the end of the day, even in a different city or town.

An opportunity to stay among locals
When one travels to a new city for work or leisure, there isn’t much of a chance to assimilate with the local culture or interact with the locals if one stays in a hotel. In contrast, in the case of house sitting, one stays in a proper residential neighborhood, so there is plenty of opportunity to interact with local people and learn about their culture and ways of life. So, house sitting is a great option for those looking to explore a city’s lifestyle and local culture.

Free utilities and liberty to cook foods of one’s choice
Since homes are equipped with well-stocked kitchens, they provide all the necessary amenities while allowing house sitters to cook whatever they desire. Consequently, in this respect, they are better than hotels, which restrict a person to a specific number of dishes on the menu.

Quality time with a pet
If one loves being around animals, house sitting is definitely a great option if the homeowner leaves behind a pet for the house sitter to care for. It prevents loneliness and provides a much-needed respite for the house sitter.

A comfortable workspace for digital nomads
If a person is working remotely and wants to travel for leisure while continuing to work, house sitting is a great option, because it provides a well-furnished workspace. So, one does not have to worry about expenditures and can easily accommodate work and travel while staying at a comfortable, fully furnished home.

Cons of house sitting

Loneliness and boredom
If a person is traveling alone and chooses to house sit, there is a high chance of feeling bored and lonely after a point, especially if there are no pets to care for. Staying alone in a large house can be emotionally overwhelming for some, especially if it is for weeks on end. One may choose to interact with the locals around, but this process may be difficult for introverts. So, as mentioned earlier, it is best to look for house sitters who would be leaving behind a pet to take care of, which can alleviate their boredom and loneliness, at least to a great extent.

Household responsibilities
By house sitting, one agrees to take on the entire responsibility of the household while the homeowner is away. So, if a person has traveled to the city for work purposes or some other engagements that might keep them busy throughout the day, managing household chores, possibly caring for pets and plants, and completing these work or other tasks can be difficult. In contrast, one doesn’t have to take up any additional responsibilities when staying at a hotel, so sometimes, it comes across as a better option in this respect.

Possible restrictions to stepping out
Another downside of house sitting is the lack of freedom to choose the number of hours one can stay out. If there are pets to be looked after, one cannot be out for long hours because the pet will have to be fed, bathed, and walked. Similarly, if plants need to be watered regularly, one cannot leave the accommodation unattended for an entire weekend. So, it is important to consider these time-bound restrictions before opting for house sitting. 

One can weigh the pros and cons and opt to live rent free and house sit any where in the world. Check out online portals that offer long and short-term house sitting options. 

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